Pop Up!
by Albert Pons Tamayo
On August 4th we celebrated the first Pop Up in our history in our store!
To do this, we invited three friends from the Club, Aerobic Vintage with her 80s and 90s clothes, Holy Recycle with her new upcycled jewelry collection and Velenporella and her incredible nail art.
We wanted to add a few more notes of color to the work we were up to, so we also took advantage of the event to invite Dj Gary Peyton, who entertained the evening with the best musical notes in Vinyl format.
Rosa Blanca, probably the best beer you can taste in Mallorca (we mean it!) also wanted to join the party! And for this he was in charge of the drinks, which we served very cold due to the dates, in the middle of August...
We look forward to hosting many more such events from now on... Keep an eye on our Instagram for save the dates!